Social media...who would have ever thought there'd be such a thing?!! Today I wanted to share how I find God in social media. Staying connected with friends and family, increasing awareness about a company, brand, and even blogs are all fabulous ways to utilize such sites as Facebook and Twitter. But even better is finding thought provoking snippets and encouraging scriptures posted by notable Christians.
Pastor of Saddleback Church and Author of The Purpose Driven Life
Recent Tweet:
"Worry is a waste of energy.It cant change the past or control the future.
It just makes you miserable today."
Pastor of the L.A. Dream Center and Author of The Cause Within You
Recent Tweet:
"Since we live in the protest era and I need to protest something... I protest affliction shirts on church pastors."
{This made me chuckle!! Pastor Barnett also provides comic relief!! It's good to laugh and you know God's got to be doing some laughing at us from time to time!)
Worship Leader, Songwriter
Recent Tweet:
"But from there you will search again for the LORD your God. If you search for Him with all your heart and soul, you will find Him. Deut 4:29"
{She has been one of my favorites for a long time and God is moving mightily in her ministry right now!! I'm amazed at how she has time to tweet and facebook but she's keepin' it real and taking her fans on her journey!}
Facebook Friends:
Senior Pastor of Bethel Church
Recent Post:
"If you watch what you think, you won't have to watch what you say."
{ So right!! I enjoy this guy's wisdom!! Plus he has an awesome worship team!!}
Bible App
Recent Post:
{This is an awesome tool!! It's one of the best apps ever!! Not only can you read the Bible in just about every translation but there's also devotions you can go through!}
These are just a few of my favorites. I'm thankful that as I'm reading my feeds I can find God woven in by people who use social media for God's glory!!
Have a Blessed Weekend!!

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