Exciting announcement today!
I've decided to create my own Photo A Day Challenge!
I love taking pictures and have enjoyed sharing my challenge photos on Instagram. I've thought about making my own before and just decided with the new month I'd pull the trigger! This will be an Instagram only thing right now so I really hope you'll join me in the fun! And creating the list was not as easy as I thought so bare with me as I find my groove!
Simply take a photo inspired by the daily prompt, interpret the prompt how you like. Then share on Instagram with #VGphotoaday. Please use new photos that you take. Please do not use anyone else's photo...this is about you and your pictures. Or you can create a image for the prompt, but it must be something you create. Below is an example....
For this image I found the background in the Photofy app and saved. Then I brought the image into the Rhonna Farrer Designs app and added the white square and faded it a bit and saved. Then I brought that image into the Phonto app and added the words. Finally uploaded the image to Instagram.
I love making these inspiring images or art or word art to share!
So by all means use this method for any of the prompts!
I tried to be mindful of special days in the month like World Autism Awareness Day and Earth Day so be sure and add appropriate hashtags for those. I also encourage you to create your own hashtag for your photo a day pics. It gives you easy access to your photos! (I use vintagegwenPAD.) Save the list image to your phone to refer to it easily.
This is all about fun and creativity and documenting life so I do hope you'll join me!
Here's to new adventures!!