August....the last of summer....the first of school!
Me and Lil' Hunkie aren't ready for school to start yet cause we still need to go on vacation!!
We'll be taking care of that real soon!!! We can't wait!!
Here's last month's snaps.....
week 1: treat.....snowcones from our local little spot!!
week 2: sunshine.....went on a dinner adventure one night and enjoyed the sunshine while we waited for our table!
week 3: fun....oh Snapchat! I may still not fully understand you but your filters are pure fun!! Jennifer the pirate cracks me up STILL!
week 4: Rhonna backgrounds are a sure sign of new stuff coming in the app!! Yay!!
July was pretty fun!! Oh! And I loved that my sister played this month and rocked every prompt!!
So fun!!
Simply take a photo inspired by the prompt, interpret the prompt how you like. Then share on Instagram with #VGphotoaweek. Please use new photos that you take. Please do not use anyone else's photo...this is about you and your pictures. Or you can create a image for the prompt, but it must be something you create. Post one or many photos per week!
This is how I'll be breaking the weeks up:
Week 1: Aug 1-6
Week 2: Aug 7-13
Week 3: Aug 14-20
Week 4: Aug 21-27
Week 5: Aug 28-31
Hope you'll join me!!
Happy first week of August!