Saturday, March 21, 2015

Vintage Gwen Chapel-Drop Your Load!

I love when God gives me a 'nugget' from an everyday, ordinary moment.
This moment might not qualify as ordinary though!

This moment happened a couple of weeks ago when I was picking Lil' Hunkie up from school.  There's a grandpa who brings and picks up his granddaughter. I'm assuming he is grandpa since he sure looks like it. I've observed them before and let me just say....she is quite ornery!
Grandpa was sitting on a bench closest to the door. Once granddaughter made it out the door, he stood up and took a couple steps toward her and when they met, she immediately dropped her back pack at his feet and proceeded to walk away. He picked it up and called after her, almost having to chase after her, which I've seen him do before. 

Now I won't lie, my first thought was she might need a spankin'!
But then God dropped the 'nugget'.

It didn't even take her a second that she was in her caretaker's presence that she dropped her load and walked away, knowing that grandpa would take care of that load! How long do we wait when we are in the Presence of God to drop and walk away from all our burdens? How often do we simply walk away from our load? She did not look back!! She cared not of that back pack!!

The Bible says....
"Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." Psalm 55:22 NASB

Man, I want to be so confident in my Caretaker that I let Him take care of my load without looking back! How about you? And I love that by casting our load we are really exchanging it for sustainment and unshakenness! Those might be new words!

Well, here's to new words!
Be blessed lovelies!

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