I've been wanting to makeover our sofa pillows for a while now. Hunkie bought all of our living room furniture right before meeting me so that's why we have the matchy matchy set. Don't get me wrong he did pretty good for being a single guy but now that we have our home it's time to freshen things up a bit.
I actually made some easy slipcovers for the 4 pillows I had already then found 2 coordinating ones last weekend at Garden Ridge. And I'd like to see if you can tell which ones were bought and which ones were made. Take a look....
I'm asking that question because when buying the new ones I went off of memory of what my fabric looked like!! So I'm pretty proud of the result!!
The one on the left is from Garden Ridge and the one on the right is the slipcover I made! And I actually bought that fabric {from Hobby Lobby} to make a valance for the dining room window but changed my mind! I had 2 yards and barely got out 4 slipcovers! The pillows were 19 inch and I think 18 inch is more standard. I can live with barely for $13 for 4 freshened up pillows!! The Garden Ridge pillows were $10 each. I'm loving the result! Now I just need some curtains!! {Which are on their way from Target!}
The slipcovers were so very easy to make! I used I Heart Nap Time's tutorial for How To Sew A Pillow Cover In 20 Minutes.
And I've seen other tutorials so didn't think it was necessary to do another one. Just wanted to share my fabric choices and to testify how easy slipcovers are to make! It's such a cost effective way to change an accessory too!
I'm almost done with the entryway too! Waiting on a rug, can't wait for you to see!
Have you ever made slipcovers?
Happy Thursday!
{See my Link Parties Page for where I like to share at!}

Dude. I was totally going to guess opposite! Nicely done!
They turned out so nicely. Love the pattern choice.
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