Sharing the last little nugget I gleaned from the #SheReadsTruth Fresh Start plan today.
I love how the Word is alive! How do I know this? Because you can read it over and over and get something different from it every time!
For example, the story of the Woman at the Well. She was a Samaritan, Samaritans didn't mingle with Jews and here it was a Jew read 'her book' right down to the very end. What God showed me this time about this story is that Jesus didn't reveal Himself as the Messiah everyday but He did this day, to not only a woman who needed a Messiah but to a people that need a Messiah, to a people that needed to be restored to the one and only God and who needed a fresh start. It wasn't just about the Woman at the Well, it was about a nation. God provides a fresh start for all. It's our choice to take it or not.
I'm thrilled the Woman at the Well took it and ran with it and gave her entire town a fresh start!
What an example to me!
Revelation 21:5 NKJV
- "Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
Praying the best weekend for you!

1 comment:
I tagged you in a fun little blogging game on my blog! :)
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