One of my favorite childhood memories is of my Granny and her bonnets. She mostly wore casual ones when she worked in the yard, garden, or was hanging laundry on the line. And when she went to church she always put a scarf over her head tied under her chin. Happy memories. When Easter comes around I always think of bonnets or fancy hats. And not that many years ago I wore a hat for Easter....still have it! {There is a pic of me but who knows where it is!} So today I am paying tribute to a wonderful tradition that I think could use some revival.
{This is a baby bonnet is made out of a vintage handerchief! Visit This Momma Makes Stuff for the tutorial.}
via Pinterest from Rouche
Aren't they all lovely? Maybe next year I'll dust off my hat!
Happy Good Friday!
Joining Blonde Episodes Fashion Friday.

I've always told my husband I was born in the wrong era. I love all those beautiful big hats and wish I could wear them everyday with full skirts without ppl looking at me weird for not being in skinny jeans and what not.
I love that collage. So femenine.
Such a fun post! I love all things vintage too. There's something so amazing about a simpler time with not so simple formal daily wear. Most of me wishes we were still in those days....
When we were young, our hat was always our Easter basket. We left it out for the Easter bunny to leave our treats in. Memories...
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