"Worry is irrelevant. God is Provider."
How very true!
A simple definition of irrelevant is "not connected with". Worry and God are not and won't ever be connected. Worry doesn't move God. At. All. In fact, doesn't it just prolong things?
One of God's many names is Provider. It's what He does and worry won't ever change the fact that He willingly, happily provides for His children.
So why do it?
The bible says that worrying doesn't even "add a single hour" to our life.
Knowing and believing all this I still worry. It's a constant part of life to overcome worry. In some situations I easily overcome it...others I have to constantly remind myself who God is and the provisions that He already has made for me.
How do you handle worry?
Happy Weekend lovelies!

Such a struggle I have with worry. When I catch myself I try to say Philippians 4:8 over and over. For some reason I worry more at night and I've fallen asleep many nights repeating those words in my heart.
Thanks for the reminder not to worry about things. It is so hard sometimes, but really worrying does not help the situation.
It is often easier said than done. You have to almost physically replace the worry with faith. I suppose that's why we say it's an ACT of faith. Thanks for the remider that God is ALWAYS in control and our provider. He is able...willing and ABLE!
Have a wonderful week, Jennifer.
Just perfect! God had me slay the worry demon while I was in college. I do have to remind myself that it is a sin. It's just not an option anymore. Thanks for a lovely post. Hope you're having a grand evening. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
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