Just finished part 2 of She Reads Truth's Women of the Bible series. I loved it! Just like in part 1, I gleaned a common thread. That women are some of the best, devoted servants of the Lord. And no matter how much we have on our plates as long as we keep Him first we can accomplish much!
I really want to encourage you today to join this community or at least make it a habit to do reading plans in the bible app. And I mean when you're done with one take a day or two if you need a break and then get right back in. It truly, truly makes a difference! And want to know an amazing thing? I felt the anointing of the Lord through Instagram! I had already been studying and didn't realize how much I was in the presence of the Lord when I shared my Mary Magdalene post that I read another lady's post on the same day of the plan and man what God spoke to her was so powerful it was all I could do hold the tears! That's what being in this community can do I tell ya! Nothing but beneficial!
I'm not sure when the next SRT plan is up....in the next few days I'm positive....so get prepared...buy ya some pens and a journal if that's your thing.....and join me!! I'd love to interact with you on Instagram!
Ahhh....God is good!
Happy Saturday!

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