Hey Lovelies!!
I stumbled across an Erwin McManus quote yesterday that I absolutely love and thought it needed to be a printable!! And an Instagram and a lockscreen!
I'm loving all things gold right now and wanted the words to be gold and I knew I couldn't really achieve that with any of the apps I use so I googled and found a great tutorial on how to make fonts gold and low and behold it involved PicMonkey!! Ha! My favorite you know!
I know it's hard to see in the picture, it did print out better than I expected!!
Right click and save and print!
(For personal use only please.)
And using the Blending App, my graphic and a free Rhonna Designs background I made a lockscreen for my phone this morning!
(Pull up this post on your phone, long press the lockscreen image and save to phone. Go into settings and set as wallpaper.)
Fun stuff!! Hope this goodness uplifts you today!!
Happy Thursday!!

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